November 29, 1891

My Darling Nannie:
I made my trip safely Friday night. Cordie and Lizzie were at the depot to meet me. How long did you remain at Hensham(?) I hope you enjoyed your trip. I enjoyed mine very much. Have you seen the bridal party since I left, where are they staying are they going to Aunt Olivia’s? Grandpa and Grandma are better. Ma is still improving has been sitting up the greater part of the day. I ran down to Grandpa’s a little while Saturday morning. Aunt Mag was there I gave them both their cards. We forgot to give Walter one I did not think of him until I had gotten nearly to Grandpa’s Saturday morning. I took one of the invitations here, changed envelopes and dropped it in the office. I forgot one of my cousins at Princeton. Uncle Tommie is here came on the early train yesterday morning. I have not seen him yet he is at Grandpa’s. Pa and Ora spent the day there today. I went to Sunday school this morning there was no preaching in town today being the 5th Sunday. I asked Cousin Amanda if she wasn’t going down to the wedding. She said she couldn’t spare the time. I told her I would like very much for her to go. Well pet I tried on my suit this morning after Sunday school. It fits perfectly. Cousin Addie Walton came in while I had it on she said she thought it was very pretty. I don’t think it’s like Talbott’s. I think it will brush all right. Well darling I went to work Saturday morning. I have gotten some hands spoken to, to help me. I can finish Tuesday. I went to the farm this evening to tend to stock and cover up my fruit jars and did not begin writing till after dar. Mrs. Morris and mother came in just as I was ready to begin so I could not write much while they were here and it is now bed time. Tell sister Annie to please send me that certificate the last of the week. I will get my license Monday. I suppose you have written to Bro. Miley eve this. As I have nothing of interest I will bid you Good night. And may God bless you is my prayer from your devote one, Oscar.
P.S. I was telling Cordie about the ring being too large for Gusta(?) she said tell you to send it back, she would send one that would fit.
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