1890 Love Letters

Love letters written by my great-great-grandfather Samuel Oscar Raymond to his love and soon-to-be wife Nancy "Nannie" Callaway.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

November 8, 1891

My Darling Nannie:

I am so glad to tell you ma is doing better, the Dr. says she is clearer of (fives?) than she ever was. She hasn’t taken solid nourishment yet. I think she will soon begin to mend. I am so glad she is better and I know you are. Well Pet how are you getting along? And what are you doing with yourself to pass off the time? I am getting on slowly with my coal house. I gathered corn yesterday. We are very scarce of stock water. I hauled a load yesterday. We are having a slow rain now and I hope we will have enough to make water for the stock. We are needing rain very bad. I would like so much to have been with you to have helped you gather pecans. Yes we will share ours with Ida. I went down a little while this evening to see them. Grandpa is very feeble and Ida is not very well.

How is Aunt Olivia? I heard she was having the chills. We looked for her up Friday night. Has sister Lula gotten well? I was so sorry to hear she was sick. Tell her she must be sure and come spend Christmas with us. And Miss Annie Long also. I often think to Miss Annie and would like very much to see her. Give her my love when you see her. If she did not come last Saturday, I hope she will come next so I may get to see her, for if nothing happens I will come Saturday. It seems like an age since I saw you. Ida says if Grandpa is better she may come with me, but she cannot stay. I am so glad you have decided to marry at home, especially if we have supper. It will be so good in Sister Annie to give us a supper and no one will appreciate it more than we. I hope we will be enabled to repay them for some of their kindness in the future. I often look forward to the time when they will visit us and how I will take Bro Charlie around and show him the stock and farm. A! Darling won’t we be happy then. May God speed the time. When did you see Maggie and Talbott and how are they? Just to think I have not seen them since July 5th. I would like so much to see them and thought we would get to visit them before we were married, but I don’t….