1890 Love Letters

Love letters written by my great-great-grandfather Samuel Oscar Raymond to his love and soon-to-be wife Nancy "Nannie" Callaway.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

September 20, 1891

My Darling Nannie:

How I would like to see you this evening or know even what you are doing but as that is impossible I will have to content myself with writing. I went to Sunday School this morning. Miss Sudie was there. I also went to hear Bro. Miley preach. He has been preaching every since the night of the wedding. I went to hear him Friday and Saturday night. I don’t suppose he will preach any longer than tonight. He took particular pains to come around and speak to me Friday night and then said, “I wish you would tell Bro. Charlie to meet me in Sturgis Monday.” I told him I expect he would see Bro. Charlie before I would, Mr. King who was standing near, asked who Bro. Charlie was. Bro. Miley said I must not tell tales out of school.

Well pet I got home at one o’clock, had a very pleasant ride all alone, enjoyed my lunch so much and many thanks for it. A! Hasn’t it been exceedingly hot this week, almost to warm to work. I took Queen home Monday. We found them all well. I took up stumps three days last week, took up 98. Friday and Saturday I hauled manure. I have not been feeling well all week, and have not been working hard, but have been going all the time. You was cautioning me about working in the rain, not let me tell you please don’t work too hard this hot weather.

How is Ida getting along? How often has Mr. Cross been there? Have you been attending church much? I suppose you went over to see Aunt Olivia. Did you and Miss Matt have a private talk. If so, what did she say about the time?

I can tell you who joined the church, it was Cousin Elias Powell and lady, daughter and son in law, Birdie Crutchfield.

Well as usual I began writing rather late and pa and I have been down to the farm and fed, and when we got back it was church time so I have heard Bro Miley preach a splendid sermon since I began this letter. Pa and Ma spent the day at Grandpa’s to-day. Ma bought me a tube-rose and I will send it to you with all my love. I wish I could see you to-night. About this time last Sunday night we were on our way home from church enjoying each other’s company so much. Cordie says she is going to write to you this week so you may not be surprised if you receive a letter from her. As it is getting late and I am going home to-night I will close. Hope you are well and having a good time. Good bye pet.

From your Oscar.

P.S. You and Miss M try and arrange so it will come off at the same time. I think it will be much nicer.