June 14, 1891
My Darling Nannie:
This rainy Sunday afternoon finds me fulfilling my engagement with the pen. A! That I could fulfill it in person for I am so anxious to see you, it seems like an age since I saw you. How is this hot weather serving you? I hope you are well and getting along nicely. Do not work to hard this summer take good care of yourself for my sake. I wish I could be there to partake of those nice breakfasts, but never mind I will have the pleasure of passing judgment on them by and by. Precious thought! A! How sweet. What do you think Dear? It’s reported I am going to get married after harvest. They didn’t miss it far did they? People in general think I am going to change my mode of living next fall. Cousin Amanda Walton remarked this morning at Sunday School she was sorry my hay kept me from going to Sturgis to-day, said she heard I went there every other week. I told her I would not go so often in the future. We had a large class at Sunday School this morning all the young ladies have gotten home from visiting. I get to see Miss Sudie nearly every day now while working in my hay. She is sewing with Cousin Amanda.
I am having a hard time with my hay this time. I have some that is getting a good soaking now. I did a big days work yesterday, put up 18 loads and cut from 9 to 12. I feel sorry for the hands towards night, look like they were about give out although I was not very tired. I am as tough as a pine knot.
I will have to go to cutting wheat Tuesday or Wednesday, and I will not and I will not get through with my hay by that time even if we have nice weather, and I don’t know what I am to do. I will get along some way, if I have to leave my hay until after I cut my wheat. My wheat has right smart smut in it. I hope we will make enough to live on next winter, and I don’t care how soon it comes. Do you?
How is Aunt Olivia getting along? I hope she is better. Has Ida been spending any of her time with you? How did you throw her off the track about the ring? I know I will catch it when she comes home. I have not let Ma read a letter yet, but I expect she has guessed all. I was joking Ma this morning about kissing you good by and asked her if she kissed you once for me. Yes “mama” likes you ever so much. She and Pa are spending the day with Grandpa, Uncle Tom Powell and wife are here will spend the night with us. Ella has just been in and asked me to go down in town and get some ice for her. I had just as well be learning to run errands so I guess I had better go.
Yes Pet we will go to see Mrs. Allen (?) sometime when I come down we can call as we come back from “Brothers”. By the way, Ora wants to come with me next time I come through in the buggy. You tell “Sister” Lula she must come over the next time I come. I am anxious to see her. Has Miss Mag gotten home yet? How is she getting along? Nannie is talking to me so I don’t know what I am writing. There is a dark cloud coming up. I believe we are going to have a big rain, we have already had a good shower, we were needing it too.
Monday morning.
Uncle Tommie came before I got through writing yesterday. Thought I would add a few lines this morning but the bell has already said get ready for breakfast. Uncle Tom compliments your horse highly says I ought to have him trained and then I could sell him for a big price. He and Aunt Mollie gave me a special invitation to come down to Princeton Fair which comes off about the first of Oct. A! Would not it be nice for us to go down as Aunt Olivia dreamed we came to see her. As they are hurrying me up for breakfast, I will close so Goodbye dear.
From your own dear Oscar.
This rainy Sunday afternoon finds me fulfilling my engagement with the pen. A! That I could fulfill it in person for I am so anxious to see you, it seems like an age since I saw you. How is this hot weather serving you? I hope you are well and getting along nicely. Do not work to hard this summer take good care of yourself for my sake. I wish I could be there to partake of those nice breakfasts, but never mind I will have the pleasure of passing judgment on them by and by. Precious thought! A! How sweet. What do you think Dear? It’s reported I am going to get married after harvest. They didn’t miss it far did they? People in general think I am going to change my mode of living next fall. Cousin Amanda Walton remarked this morning at Sunday School she was sorry my hay kept me from going to Sturgis to-day, said she heard I went there every other week. I told her I would not go so often in the future. We had a large class at Sunday School this morning all the young ladies have gotten home from visiting. I get to see Miss Sudie nearly every day now while working in my hay. She is sewing with Cousin Amanda.
I am having a hard time with my hay this time. I have some that is getting a good soaking now. I did a big days work yesterday, put up 18 loads and cut from 9 to 12. I feel sorry for the hands towards night, look like they were about give out although I was not very tired. I am as tough as a pine knot.
I will have to go to cutting wheat Tuesday or Wednesday, and I will not and I will not get through with my hay by that time even if we have nice weather, and I don’t know what I am to do. I will get along some way, if I have to leave my hay until after I cut my wheat. My wheat has right smart smut in it. I hope we will make enough to live on next winter, and I don’t care how soon it comes. Do you?
How is Aunt Olivia getting along? I hope she is better. Has Ida been spending any of her time with you? How did you throw her off the track about the ring? I know I will catch it when she comes home. I have not let Ma read a letter yet, but I expect she has guessed all. I was joking Ma this morning about kissing you good by and asked her if she kissed you once for me. Yes “mama” likes you ever so much. She and Pa are spending the day with Grandpa, Uncle Tom Powell and wife are here will spend the night with us. Ella has just been in and asked me to go down in town and get some ice for her. I had just as well be learning to run errands so I guess I had better go.
Yes Pet we will go to see Mrs. Allen (?) sometime when I come down we can call as we come back from “Brothers”. By the way, Ora wants to come with me next time I come through in the buggy. You tell “Sister” Lula she must come over the next time I come. I am anxious to see her. Has Miss Mag gotten home yet? How is she getting along? Nannie is talking to me so I don’t know what I am writing. There is a dark cloud coming up. I believe we are going to have a big rain, we have already had a good shower, we were needing it too.
Monday morning.
Uncle Tommie came before I got through writing yesterday. Thought I would add a few lines this morning but the bell has already said get ready for breakfast. Uncle Tom compliments your horse highly says I ought to have him trained and then I could sell him for a big price. He and Aunt Mollie gave me a special invitation to come down to Princeton Fair which comes off about the first of Oct. A! Would not it be nice for us to go down as Aunt Olivia dreamed we came to see her. As they are hurrying me up for breakfast, I will close so Goodbye dear.
From your own dear Oscar.
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