1890 Love Letters

Love letters written by my great-great-grandfather Samuel Oscar Raymond to his love and soon-to-be wife Nancy "Nannie" Callaway.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

May 22, 1891

My Darling Nannie:

Please pardon me for a little digression, I do not think it is a forfiture of promise, only fulfilling it a little sooner. I am thinking of going to Smith Mills Sunday to childrens day, if I do I will not have time to write at my appointed hour. Then I think we have put the time a little to far apart for it seemed I would never hear from you again. I can join in with you and say this week has seemed to go on crutches to me too. Suppose Ida has told you we got to Grandpa’s by six o’clock Monday. I went on to Corydon and spent the night, went down to the shop and staid till bed time and told them all about my trip and what a nice time I had, for I really enjoyed myself better than I could ever have anticipated. I was highly delighted with my trip and my new kin,

I did not know you had such sweet amiable sisters, though I could have easily guessed judging from you and Bro. Charlie, I think is so nice and friendly and accommodating. I am sure he has no better opinion of me than I have of him. Is Cousin Annie there yet? I was so glad to meet her, I can see her now in imagination looking at me with those lovely eyes. Tell the girls I enjoyed their company over at Mr. Conn’s very much. But was sorry you was not there. I did not think of staying until after dinner when I left you. Aunt Olivia had dinner on the table when I got back and would have me up my horse and feed him.

I too am truly glad Miss Mattie showed her hospitality, it so much nicer. Don’t you think so? I came home and told them I felt highly complimented, for she insisted on us not going out in the rain said “they would think we ran you off.”

Tell Talbott I know now he did not want to see me by waiting until I had gone to come, but I am very anxious to see him, hope it will be my pleasure in the near future. We will not insist on their waiting for us, we might see it if they should decide to wait something might happen, so let them live as happily as God has designed them to. I can pray God’s choisest blessings on them, and look forward to the time when we will be as happy as they.

I had a heart full of “innocent cause” of your shedding tears lately. You and I can afford to fulfill the scripture in this particular “weep with those that weep and rejoice with those that do rejoice.”

I think of nothing more at present, as it was after eight before I ate supper tonight. I know it must be growing late and I want to get up and off to town early in the morning, so will close. Tell you the rest when I come down. Good night Darling

I am truly yours, Oscar

P.S. Give my love to Sister Mag and cousin Annie tell them I am getting real anxious to see them and hear their sweet voices.