1890 Love Letters

Love letters written by my great-great-grandfather Samuel Oscar Raymond to his love and soon-to-be wife Nancy "Nannie" Callaway.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

June 9, 1890

Miss Nannie Calloway:
Kind Friend:

It is with much pleasure I endeavor to answer your highly esteemed letter this rainy Monday morning. I am glad you had not come to the conclusion I had forgotten you.

“Forget thee in the banquet halls. Go ask thy fellow man, or ask the tear that secrets falls If I forget thee then.”

I wish you could have been here last week to have attended our school entertainments, we had only three nights.

I enjoyed it hugely. A young lady said yesterday she enjoyed all but the first night. She figured it was the reason. I told her I considered that the best night of the three. I always try to make everyone feel as good as possible. One of my old class-mates Alfred Cinnamond is to be united in matrimony to Miss Ora Givens of Morganfield Wednesday eve. I have an invitation, don’t think I shall go, as it is so far to go in private conveyance and no way of returning that night by rail. He has been teaching in our pubic school for two years, he intends to go in the merchandise business now.

I am left once more to dance in the hog trough. Why is it every body can get married but me? Isn’t strange? Nevertheless, it’s true. It seems that Henderson Co. boys are partial to Union Co., ladies. Who can blame them? I notice Union Co., boys pluck a rare gem from our circle once and a while. Is it wrong to retaliate? I think not. I think Jack Farley has cheek (?) like a government mule. I envy him of his nice company. I know from experience he had a nice time. It would have been a great source of pleasure for me to have joined the fishing party, although I have no luck fishing either in sea or dry land.

The old adage says an industrious man can’t fish. There are exceptions to all rules and I am the exception in this one. I believe the rain is about over, and as I have not set and tobacco yet I suppose it is about time I was at it.

I am not going to plant but a little as I have a good deal of wheat to take care of. I am very much discouraged over the prospect, as it is full of smut, (chear?) and etc. I wish I had someone to drive my binder this year. As I have nothing of interest I will close, hoping to hear from you soon. I remain your true friend.

S.O. Rayman.

P.S. Many thanks for that beautiful bouquet.